
Monday, June 25, 2012

Final Weigh Out is Monday, July 2nd!

Hello Team!

Remember, next Monday is our final weigh out! You have all done amazing things. Keep up the good work.
I will post the final scores and winners next Monday or Tuesday.

Thanks for participating in the contest. :)

Week #16: Vitamin Week

Challenge: Vitamin Week

Pretty Straight Forward. Take a multi-vitamin each day. That's it. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't be pushing yourself hard at the gym or change those healthy eating habits you've already created. We are just adding to your already healthy lifestyle you are creating for yourself.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 15 Challenge: Circuit Training

Week 15 Challenge: Circuit Training

Circuit training
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Circuit training is a combination of high-intensity aerobics andresistance training designed to be easy to follow and target fat loss, muscle building and heart fitness. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for another circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise
Week 15 Challenge: Circuit Training
To be completed 2 times this week.

Complete each exercise for 1 minute each, repeat 3 times.
(If you don't have access to a chin up bars can be replaced with a bicep curl holding any object of even weight.)

Start and end with a 5 minute stretch. Your rest time between each exercise should be no longer than 30-90 seconds.

Ski Jumps
Press ups
Bench Step ups
Sit ups
Squat Thrusts
Chin Ups (you can use a chair)
Free Squats
Back extensions

This exercise can of course be replaced with a circuit training class at the gym or circuit training video.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week #14 Sweet Free

Week 14 Challenge: Sweet Free
Do you have control of your sweet tooth? Here's the real test! For one week, no sweets or deserts!
This includes, but is not limited to:

ice cream, candy, chocolate, pie
cake, cookies, brownies,
pastries, smoothies, etc

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week #11 Results

Week #13 - HITT

Complete the following workout 3 times this week. {You may want to space these workouts out as soreness may occur :)}...I love this workout!

High Intensity Interval Training: Sprint Interval Workout

This sprint interval workout is a type high intensity interval training (HIIT)that helps build endurance, increase your anaerobic threshold and burn more calories and fat both during and after your workout. For this workout, you'll have a longer warm up (10 minutes) before going into 4 all-out sprints at a Level 9 on this perceived exertion chart for 30 seconds each. Between each sprint, you'll recover at an easy pace for 4.5 minutes, giving you plenty of time to get ready for the next sprint.
Keep in mind that all-out effort is very challenging, so modify the sprint intervals as needed to fit your fitness level and goals. You can do this workout on any cardio machine (set to manual mode) or with any outdoor activity such as walking, running or cycling. This workout is best for intermediate or advanced exercisers.

Perceived Exertion
5 min.
Warm up at an easy-moderate pace
5 min.
Baseline: Increase speed gradually to a comfortable, moderate pace
30 seconds
Sprint all out as fast as you can
4.5 min
Reduce speed to a comfortable pace to fully recover
30 seconds
Sprint all out as fast as you can
4.5 min
Reduce speed to a comfortable pace to fully recover
30 seconds
Sprint all out as fast as you can
4.5 min
Reduce speed to a comfortable pace to fully recover
30 seconds
Sprint all out as fast as you can
4.5 min
Cool down at an easy pace
Total :
30 Minutes

"Remember that balance, posture and core muscles are the foundation for a good sprinter. Your goal should be to run at a faster speed, while exerting less energy.
Short and fast bursts of running have been proven to be more effective than hour-long jogs. You can't help but all those people that try to get in shape, and start doing long jogs, and six months later, there are no changes in their performance or appearance. Sprint training also saves time that would have been wasted doing traditional exercises." --Wikihow