
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week #12 Water

This week 's challenge is super simple. We are going by the old urban legend of 8 glasses of 8 oz. of water a day. Doctors from Mayo clinic have yet to find where or who started this magic '8x8' or if there is any basis to it, but we are doing it anyway. While there is controversy over some of the benefits of drinking a certain amount of water one thing that seems to remain somewhat consistent is the aid in weight-loss when eating foods that contain a lot of water in them to give you the feeling of 'fullness'.
I am posting a few articles and letting you decide for yourself whether or not you think water is beneficial. I tried to find some credible websites and am just putting the information out there.
From Sparkpeople:
Water is a Secret Ingredient Card of Weight Loss
-- By Zach Van Hart, Staff Writer

Is water important? Well let’s see, other than making up 50%-60% of our bodies, regulating body temperature, helping our breathing, transporting nutrients, carrying away waste and helping our muscles function, water is pretty much useless. Oh, and you need water or, after three days without it, you’ll die.

So in other words, water is pretty darn essential. It can even be an extremely important (and often unappreciated) weight loss factor.

Somehow, though, water is one of the most neglected parts of our diet. Some of us possibly go an entire day at times without one glass! Every part of your body is dependent on and comprised of water, and the most important parts need even more. Your brain is made up of 75% water, your blood 82% and your lungs nearly 90%.

Besides being a vital component of your body, water also helps to reduce weight. The more hydrated you are, the quicker your metabolism works. When you are dehydrated – even before you start becoming thirsty – your liver has to help the kidneys function and can’t metabolize fat as quickly. Your metabolism slows down, causing some unwanted fat to remain.

If your body is used to not getting water, it actually stores more in ankles, hips and thighs. In other words, it doesn’t trust you to keep bringing water, so it keeps what it can get, like a thirsty cactus. Once it realizes the water will keep coming, your body will get rid of the stores and you’ll lose weight!
Plus, if you’re suffering from cravings or having trouble controlling hunger, drinking water is a quick, healthy way to feel full. Drink a glass when you normally snack, and have one before your meal and right before going out.

Staying hydrated is not restricted to drinking water; milk, juice and other liquids – even some fruits and vegetables – are good sources of water. But avoid caffeinated beverages (coffee, soda), as they actually cause you to lose fluids and become dehydrated.

The recommended daily amount of water is eight cups a day, but don’t feel bad if you have neglected your water intake. Even if you constantly drink coffee or soda, you can make some simple changes to increase the water in your diet. Here are just a few ways to get more water every day:
·         Find the water bottles with pop tops. They’re easier to carry around and use than twist off caps.
·         Keep a water bottle in the car.
·         Set a rule with your water glass: once it’s empty, it gets filled back up right away.
·         Drink orange juice or eat fruit in the morning.
·         Get two water bottles, one for work and one for home.
·        Fill up one every day when you leave to go home, and fill up the other before you go to bed each night. ·         Order water at restaurants instead of soda. Even if you have something else to drink, have water too.
·         Weekends are the toughest, so be aware of your water and fluid intake throughout Saturday and Sunday.
·        Keep more than one water bottle in the fridge so you always have a cold one.
·         Follow the example of a SparkPeople member: this woman put a water glass on her windowsill with 8 pennies on one side. Each time she filled up her glass and drank it, she moved a penny to the other side, until all the pennies were moved. Great reminder system!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week #11 Sleep

Did you know getting much more or less than seven hours of sleep is associated with a higher mortality rate and can cause weight gain? Adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Sleep quality is just as important as the quantity of sleep you get. The Mayo clinic suggests seven steps that may help you get better quality sleep.

1.       Stick to a sleep schedule

2.       Pay attention to what you eat and drink

3.       Create a bedtime ritual

4.       Get comfortable

5.       Limit daytime naps

6.       Include physical activity in your daily routine

7.       Manage stress

 Challenge: Incorporate two of the above steps each night this week to improve your quality of sleep.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week #10 Going Meatless

Going Meatless

Did you know that reducing meat in your diet could actually improve health? Planning meals that are based on vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains can help you save money and lower your cholesterol and your risk for heart disease. Those who eat plant-based diets generally consume fewer calories, weigh less, and have lower rates of heart disease than those whose diets are full of red and processed meats such as steak, ground beef, cold cuts, and hot dogs. Going meatless at least one day a week can help reduce your intake of saturated fat by 15%, which helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Challenge: Go meatless at least two days this week.


Mayo Clinic. “Meatless Meals: The Benefits of Eating Less Meat.” 16 Sept 2011. 30 Mar 2012. <>

Meatless Monday. “Yale Heart Study Talks Sat Fat, Meatless Monday.” 2011. 30 Mar 2012. <>

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 9 Challenge: New Cardio Workout

The challenge for the week of May 7 - May 13 is to complete a cardio workout that is new to you or out of your normal comfort zone.
Here are some Examples:

·         Hiking
·         Biking
·         Swimming
·         Kayaking
·         Surfing
·         Skiing
·         Tennis
·         Pilate's
·         Plyometrics
·         Jump Roping
·         Run stadium stairs
·         Sprint Training on the beach
·         Try a trial membership at the gym and do a class you have never done before.
·         Go to the movie store or use your Netflix membership to rent a new type of aerobic or cross training video that is new to you.
Go out, get active, and have fun doing it!