
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week #10 Going Meatless

Going Meatless

Did you know that reducing meat in your diet could actually improve health? Planning meals that are based on vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains can help you save money and lower your cholesterol and your risk for heart disease. Those who eat plant-based diets generally consume fewer calories, weigh less, and have lower rates of heart disease than those whose diets are full of red and processed meats such as steak, ground beef, cold cuts, and hot dogs. Going meatless at least one day a week can help reduce your intake of saturated fat by 15%, which helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Challenge: Go meatless at least two days this week.


Mayo Clinic. “Meatless Meals: The Benefits of Eating Less Meat.” 16 Sept 2011. 30 Mar 2012. <>

Meatless Monday. “Yale Heart Study Talks Sat Fat, Meatless Monday.” 2011. 30 Mar 2012. <>

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